Portrayal of Females in Beer Advertisements
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Beer Advertisements: Is the glass half full for everyone?
Beer advertisements are one
of the main offenders when it comes to using sexist stereotypes. Women are
constantly portrayed as either sexual objects or nagging housewives in an
attempt to attract the male audience. The phrase “sex sells” comes into play
here. Women are regularly sexualised to entice male customers into buying a
specific brand of beer. They will most often have high amounts of skin showing
in places such as the breasts, buttocks, arms and legs. If that does not work
advertisers then try to entice husbands or boyfriends by playing on the
irritating wife or girlfriend stereotype. It is often repeat offenders when it
comes to this type of advertising. Brands such as Skol, Heineken and Budweiser
are the main beer producers that have consistently sexist advertisements. This
type of advertisement appeals to the target audience by degrading women with cliché
stereotypes. Most of the beer advertisements today have very little to do with
the product that is being advertised because they very heavily feature
half-naked women. In an article on everydayfeminism.com an article about
advertising affecting rape culture it is stated that “The sexualisation of
women sends a clear message – it is a man’s role to gaze at women and it is a
woman’s role to be a sexual object.”
Example 1
The first example of the degrading of women in beer advertisements is shown in these two Budweiser posters. In both examples, the women are shown to be a part of the beer bottle therefore objectifying them in a distasteful way. The reason that advertisers choose to portray women as objects is because they have sex appeal which makes the product look more desirable. Many other beer companies such as Heineken, Michelob and Beers of Mozambique have used this advertising technique in their commercials as well. These types of advertisements allow men to believe that buying beer will make them appealing to women such as the ones in the commercials which is, of course, not the case.
Example 2
Fountain- If
the guy who invented the drinking fountain drank Skol; it would not be like
this but like this. Everything’s round with Skol.
Breasts- If the guy who invented the censor strip drank Skol; it would not be like this but like this. Everything’s round with Skol.
Bra- If the guy who invented
the bra drank Skol; it would not be like this but like this. Everything’s round
with Skol.Shower Curtain- If the guy who invented the shower curtain drank Skol; it would not be like this but like this. Everything’s round with Skol.

Example 3
In these advertisements by Guinness and Schneider the product is shaped to resemble parts of a woman’s body. This is a similar advertising technique as the first example where woman were dressed as the beer. These images attract the audience’s eyes by causing the beer to bear a resemblance to taboo body parts in Western culture. If there was actually a naked women on either of these posters they would be banned from the public’s viewing, however because of their somewhat clever disguise the posters are viable. The man grabbing for the “breast” in the first Schneider poster is a crude example of how women are objects for the satisfaction of men. The encouragement of such vulgar behaviour can have an impression on the rape culture of society. Images such as the examples on this blog can make it seem okay for a man to grab a woman like this without her consent. Especially as in these advertisements the women are dehumanised by only showing parts of their bodies, reinforcing the idea that they do not have feelings and men can take advantage of that for their own pleasure.
Example 4
In this commercial
for Bavaria Brasil beer one of the two men sitting on the beach picks up a beer
bottle out of the chilly bin. As he does this a typically beautiful Brazilian
women in a bikini rises up out the water. It does not take the man long to
figure out that the beer bottle controls what the women does. He begins to take
advantage of the women by causing her to make movements such as spin and lie
down in the sand. His friend soon realises what is going on and attempts to
snatch the bottle from his friend so as to have control over the mysterious
women. They then begin to unpeel the label off of the bottle and the woman
begins to undo her bikini bottoms. This commercial is not only encouraging men
to objectify women and control them but for women to allow themselves to be
objectified and controlled. The woman in this advertisement does not look at
all unimpressed that these men are forcing her to do what they want her to, in
fact she smiles for the entire time. A common recurrence throughout these advertisements
is the difference in beauty between the genders. Much like in this commercial,
the women are always very beautiful and the men are generally quite ordinary
looking in comparison. This is most likely because the key demographic for beer
sales is heterosexual men. The companies want their consumers to believe that
if they drink their brand of beer then they can get beautiful women such as the
ones featured in the ads no matter what they look like. Although most men would
be smart enough to see through this over-exaggeration seeing this can still
trigger a subconscious thought process within them. They will not believe that
this will actually be true but they will remember the commercial because of the
attraction to the female actresses or models. The female in beer advertisements
is used to fulfil the male fantasy by overly sexualising everything that she
does and being exposed much more than any woman in reality would.
Example 5
In this commercial
for Tui beer three men are attempting to break into the Tui beer factory which
is entirely run by females. Of course being a beer ad targeted at men these
females must be dressed in less clothing than would be suitable for work in
real life. For example, a security guard would normally wear long pants and a
button-up t-shirt; however in this advertisement the security guards are
wearing short skirts and tops that expose a great deal of cleavage and midriff.
The women in this commercial are portrayed as rather naïve and stupid as the
men easily sneak past them with ease by distracting the security guards with
high heels and obvious camouflage against a brick wall. The males are fully
clothed in this commercial and the women are skimpily dressed which is another
recurring similarity with beer advertisements. This is another ploy used by
companies to entice male consumers into buying their products. The demographic
for beer advertisements is white, heterosexual males. Since the demographic is
heterosexual males they would be more attracted to half-naked women rather than
half-naked men. This is why the men in beer advertisements are almost always
fully-clothed. The females in this Tui commercial are also portrayed as being
spoilsports. They are the reason that the men have to sneak into the factory
and are the antagonists of the advertisement. This is a common stereotype used
in commercials though women who are portrayed like this are usually not
good-looking or are the partner of the male. In this advertisement the
spoilsports are also good-looking making them a combination of the two
Example 6
In these advertisements for Cooper’s 2.9%
alcohol beer the concept of “beer goggles” is played on by showing women
“realistically.” The scenario behind these ads is most likely that the man is
hoping to have sexual relations with the woman in each advertisement, however
because he is not as intoxicated he can still see how she really looks. It shows
the parts of the women that are disguised by the beer and would make a man
attracted to her such as larges breasts, long legs and a pretty face. The
selling point is that because there is less alcohol, the “bad” aspects such as
old age, extra weight and general look of the women will still be visible. This
potentially saves the man from having sexual relations with her and regretting
it later. This gives the idea that a woman can be judged by her looks, not her
personality. It also implies that a woman is not worth pursuing because she is
deemed “ugly” by the creators of this advertisement. The message that women
would receive from these advertisements is that you should not look like any of
these women if they ever want to find a husband. Of course this is not the case
but with advertisers constantly reinforcing this, the self-esteem of women
would decrease greatly.
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